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> Dr. Joshi Travel Grants


Dr. Joshi, "the literacy globe trotter", has inspired many researchers and students to investigate writing as well as reading. Dr. Joshi had funds from NATO for many years, which he used to support both research and research conferences for investigators and their students throughout the world. He started the first journal that focused on interdisciplinary research on writing as well as reading and which had an international audience: Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Dr. Joshi continues to be an active, collaborative researcher conducting literacy research across languages, cultures, and countries. He is a pioneer who advanced scientific knowledge and also promoted others in their efforts to do so. Naming the travel grants for him is a well deserved honor.
Virginia Wise Berninger

Established in 2012 for the conference held in Porto, Dr. Joshi’s travel grants are offered by the SIG Writing Conference's organizing committee to support part of the costs of PhD students attending our conferences.

Selection of granted students is made on the basis of a motivation letter and a short CV.


Dr. Joshi Grantees 2016
Rosianne Arseneau, Université de Montréal, Canada
Sara Ferreira, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Fien De Smedt, Ghent University, Belgium
Marisela Bonilla Lopez, University of Leuven, Belgium
Maria Prata, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Ines Moura, University of Aveiro, Portugal


Dr. Joshi Grantees 2014
Esther Nadal, University of Barcelona, Spain
Stefan Hess, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Germany
Rannveig Oddsdottir, University of Iceland, Iceland
Teresa Limpo, University of Porto, Portugal


Dr. Joshi Grantees 2012
Elise Drijbooms, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Michael Fartoukh, Nice University, France
María Sol Iparraguirre, Buenos Aires University, Argentina
Nayme Salas, Barcelona University, Spain
Solen Sausset, Poitiers University, France
Kirsty Walter, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom


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