Submission: submissions are now closed!
Abstract submission for the 2016 EARLI SIG 5 will be open from October 15, 2015 to January 30, 2016.
All proposals must be in English and submitted electronically through the submissions page.
If you intend to submit a paper to the EARLI 2016 conference, you can choose between three different formats, namely:
Paper presentation:
Individual paper presentations will be organized in thematic sessions. The duration of each oral presentation is approximately 15/20 minutes including about 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
Paper presentations should be submitted by following the instructions below:
- Fill in presentation information details, i.e., title of the presentation and name(s), e-mail addresses, institutional affiliation(s), city, and country for all authors.
- Fill in the presentation abstract.
Abstract of individual paper should be 200-500 words and include title, theoretical background, research questions, methods, results, and interpretation of findings.
Poster presentation:
Posters are recommended when the contribution is strongly data-based and therefore particularly suited for graphic or visual presentation. Posters should be in appropriate format. The poster boards are 900mm wide, by 2000 mm high. This means that A0 size (84,1*118,9cm) can only be displayed in portrait (standing up). Posters of size A1 (59,4 wide*84,1 high) can be displayed both in portrait and in landscape.
Authors should submit poster presentation by following the instructions below:
- Fill in presentation information details, i.e., title of the presentation and name(s), e-mail addresses, institutional affiliation(s), city, and country for all authors.
- Fill in the presentation abstract
Abstract of individual poster should be 200-500 words and include title, theoretical background, research questions, methods, results, and interpretation of findings.
Symposia are organized by 1-2 organizers and a discussant. Symposia consist of 3 or 4 individual papers from at least two different countries and are directed by a chairperson. The duration of each symposium is 90 minutes, including discussion (introduced by a discussant).
The organizer(s) is responsible for collecting and submitting all symposium details, including general information and paper contributions, by following the instructions below:
- Fill in the symposium general information details, i.e., title of the symposium, names of organizer(s) (1-2) and the discussant, institutional affiliations, e-mail addresses and country.
- Submit the general symposium abstract.
- To submit the individual abstracts of all presentations (3 or 4) in the symposium please: (1) download the symposium content template; (2) fill in the necessary fields in that document; (3) save the document with all the individual presentations ; and (4) and upload this document in your symposium page.
Follow the formatting guidelines below.
General symposium abstract: Abstracts should be 100-250 words and include title and provide information regarding the aims of the symposium and about the contribution of each presentation in the symposium.
For online abstract submission form please click on the following link:
Please note:
At least one presenter for each accepted submission must register for the conference by the standard early registration deadline in order to be included in the conference program.
Participants are limited to 2 presenting roles as first author;
It is highly recommended to review the abstract submission guidelines before submitting an abstract.
In case you have question with regard to submissions, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to: