> By topic
Álvares Pereira, Luisa Aveiro, Portugal University of Aveiro Department of Education
Research interests: academic writing | genre | text production | writing development | writing-to-learn
Breuer, Esther Cologne
Centre for Writing Competency Deanery
Main field: Faculty of Humanities Research interests: academic writing | L2 | bursts/pauses | genre | cross-cultural
Garcia Parejo, Isabel Madrid Complutense University Department of Didactics of Language and Literature
Main field: Language teaching and learning Research interests: academic writing | cross-cultural research | genre | teacher development
Keller, Stefan Basel
School of Teacher Education Basel Institute of Secondary Education
Main field: English teaching and learning Research interests: L2 | secondary education | genre | writing instruction | writing assessment
Negretti, Raffaella Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm University Department of English
Main field: English linguistics Research interests: academic writing | genre | L2 | metacognition | writing assessment
Rietdijk, Saskia Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University of Amsterdam Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Main field: Child development and education