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Project Global Queerantine

An International Study on the Social Support Networks and Psychological Health of LGBTQ+ Individuals During the COVID-19 Pandemic



Jorge Gato, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, Centre for Psychology at the University of Porto

Daniela Leal, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto

Daniel Seabra, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Coimbra

United Kingdom

Fiona Tasker, Department of Psychological Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London

Marie Houghton, Department of Psychological Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London


Marina Miscioscia, Department of Women’s and Children’s Health and Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization, University of Padua

Mikael Poli, Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization, University of Padua

Alessio Gubello, Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization, University of Padua


Elder Cerqueira-Santos, Federal University of Sergipe

Mozer de Miranda Ramos, Federal University of Sergipe


Jaime Barrientos, University Alberto Hurtado, Santiago de Chile

Mónica Guzmán, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta

Alfonzo Urzúa, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta

Francisco Ulloa, MUMS, Santiago de Chile


Anna Malmquist, Division of Psychology, Linköping University

Matilda Wurm, School of Law, Psychology and Social Work, Örebro University


Juan Carlos Mendoza Pérez, Departamento de Salud Pública, UNAM