Logotipo Quality matters Ilustrações do cabeçalho


Salminen, J., Guedes, C., Lerkkanen, M.‐K., Pakarinen, E., & Cadima, J. (2021). Teacher–child interaction quality and children's self‐regulation in toddler classrooms in Finland and Portugal. Infant and Child Development. https://doi.org/10.1002/icd.2222

Aguiar, T., Guedes, C., & Cadima, J. (2020). Utilização do vídeo no desenvolvimento profissional: Perspetivas dos educadores de creche [Using videos for professional development: Perspectives from crèche educators]. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 50(175). doi: 10.1590/198053146442

Cadima, J. (2017). Quality Matters: How and under what conditions does quality in early education and care matter? A study across four European countries. Nauki O Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne, 2(5). doi: 10.18778/2450-4491.05.13

Gonçalves, M., Aguiar, T., Guedes, C., & Cadima, J. (2020). Artistic activities in crèche and the quality of interactions. Early Education and Development, 31(4). doi: 10.1080/10409289.2019.1689771

Guedes, C., Cadima, J., Aguiar, T., Aguiar, C., & Barata, C. (2020). Activity settings in toddler classrooms and quality of group and individual interactions. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 67. doi: 10.1016/j.appdev.2019.101100 

Lerkkanen, M.-K., Salminen, J., & Pakarinen, E. (2018). Varhaislapsuuden lukuhetket tukevat lukutaitoa [Home literacy environment supports emergent literacy skills in early childhood]. Onnimanni, 1-2, 20-26. 

Wysłowska, O. & Slot, P. L. (2020). Structural and process quality in early childhood education and care provisions in Poland and the Netherlands: A cross-national study using cluster analysis. Early Education and Development, 31(4). doi: 10.1080/10409289.2020.1734908


Brochure “Self-regulation in creche”: definition of some concepts, some results from the project Quality Matters, and 7 strategies for parents and educators to promote self-regulation

Oral presentation on the scope of the conference XXII Ser Bebé, APEI: Educator-child interactions in creche classrooms in four european countries

Oral presentation to disseminate main findings of the project Quality Matters

Useful Links

CARE - European Early Childhood Education and Care

APEI - Associação de Profissionais de Educação de Infância

OECD - Starting Strong 2017 - Key OECD Indicators on Early Childhood Education and Care

Carta Social - Rede de Serviços e Equipamentos

FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

CNPD - Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados