Venue & Contacts
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto
Rua Alfredo Allen
4200-135 Porto
How to get to FPCEUP?
By metro
Travelling by Metro do Porto, leave at the station 'Polo Universitário' on the yellow line (line D).Leaving the station, you will find FPCEUP on your left.
By bus
Day (6h00 - 1h00)Stop: Pólo Universitário (Metro)
- 803: Boavista > Rio Tinto (Esc. Secundária)
Stop: Faculdade de Economia
- 204: Hospital de São João > Foz
- 300: Circular Hospital S. João > Aliados
- 301: Circular Sá da Bandeira > Hospital de São João
Stop: Igreja de Paranhos
- 603: Marquês > Maia
Dawn (1h00 - 4h30)
Stop: Cemitério de Paranhos
- 11M: Circular Hospital de São João > Coimbrões
For more information, check: Itinerarium
By car
The best way to find FPCEUP is to follow the signs to Paranhos/Hospital de São João.
If you're coming from VCI, exit at "Paranhos/Hospital" and turn right at the traffic lights by the Church of Paranhos.
You will be at Rua do Dr. Manuel Pereira da Silva. A few meters ahead, you will see the Metro Station 'Polo Universitário'. Turn left and FPCEUP will be on your left.
If you're coming from the Circunvalação Road (EN12), continue until you reach S. João Hospital and turn right at the traffic lights at the Oncology Institute (IPO) (Rua António Berbardino Almeida).
Continue straight and then turn left on the 2nd street. When you reach the Metro Station 'Polo Universitário', FPCEUP will be on your right.
Tel.: +351 220 400 635