Invited Symposia
Catrin Finkenauer
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Theme: Critical issues for youth future generations: Zooming in and zooming out
Abstract HERE
Frederick G. Lopez
University of Houston, EUA
Kenneth Rice
Georgia State University, EUA
Theme: Investigating pathways toward autonomous self-functioning in adolescence
Abstract HERE
Katariina Salmela-Aro
University of Helsinki, Finland
Theme: Young people and climate change
Abstract HERE
Luc Goossens
Catholic University Leuven, Belgium
Patricia Bijttebier
Catholic University Leuven, Belgium
Theme: Parenting and Parent-Child Relationships in Adolescence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Abstract HERE
Susan Branje
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Theme: Adolescents and their families facing COVID-19
Abstract HERE
Teresa Freire
University of Minho, Portugal
Theme: Positive development and optimal experiences in adolescence
Abstract HERE

Richard Young
University of British Columbia, Canada
Theme: Future work prospects of youth
Abstract HERE