Welcome to EARA 2020 Online Conference!
The organizing committee of EARA 2020 together with the EARA direction board are happy to announce that we will meet in September as planned in the 17th EARA conference in an innovative and adjusted online format. The conference will start on the afternoon of Wednesday, 2nd and end on Saturday evening. The conference platform is hosted in the AWS Cloud, a flexible and secure cloud computing environment.
To ensure that participants are focused on knowledge sharing and discussion, rather than the technology itself, presenters will be asked to pre-record their presentations and be available to interact in a “chat /discussion mode” at a specific timeslot. We will count on the support of an experienced tech company that will provide personalized assistance before, during and after the conference to all speakers.
Besides an exciting scientific program, we are working on an attractive social and cultural program. We are committed to make the 17th EARA conference a pleasant and joyful experience along with fruitful scientific debate.
We reduced the fees and extended the early bird date to June 7th. The previous announced EARA travel awards will be converted in conference awards, supporting 50 grants of 100€ for young scholars.
THEME: Adolescence in a rapidly changing world capturing the contemporaneous accelerated pace and global impact of change in adolescents’ lives. We want to address how changes in broader systems (i.e., globalization, immigration policies, climate and demographic changes, gender/work roles, technology) impact on adolescents’ developmental tasks and trajectories, as well as how adolescents, and the microsystems in which they are embedded (families, schools, peers, communities, …), act as agents for social and developmental transformation. We aim to bridge approaches, advancing on the interdisciplinary and translational study of adolescence, and welcome researchers and practitioners from different disciplines and around the world.
Looking forward to virtually meeting all of you.
The conference organizing committee.
Chair: Paula Mena Matos