Invited Keynote Speakers
Isabel Menezes
University of Porto, Portugal
Theme: Citizenship and political participation
Title: Still hopeful? Young Europeans be(com)ing political in troubled times
Abstract HERE
Linda Juang
University of Potsdam, Germany
Title: Adolescent experiences of racism, parental racial socialization, and school diversity climate in the US and Germany
Abstract HERE
Robert Crosnoe
The University of Texas at Austin, EUA
Theme: Mixing the Psychology and Sociology of Adolescence to Inform Intervention
Abstract HERE
Sabine Walper
German Youth Institut; Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany
Theme: Dialogues between research, policy and society in shaping adolescence
Abstract HERE

Inge Seiffge-Krenke
Theme: Identity, relationships, and psychopathology: Changing identity development as a challenge for counseling and therapy
Abstract HERE