Porto • Portugal

2 - 5 September


Submissions for Poster presentations should include the author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s), title, keywords, and a blind abstract with no more than 300 words. This abstract should present the research question(s), describe the methods and results, and briefly discuss the findings and implications. A reference list is not required.

YOUNG SCHOLARS Best Poster Awards

EARA MEMBERS can apply for the EARA YOUNG SCHOLARS (Student and Early Career Network) Best Poster Awards. EARA YOUNG SCHOLARS is affiliated to the European Association for Research on Adolescence. It comprises doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers, and young assistant professors who are members of the EARA and, thus, share their interests for the study of adolescence.

Three EARA YOUNG SCHOLARS Best Poster Awards will be granted to doctoral students at the 17th EARA Conference in Porto. In case you want to apply for these poster awards, check the box specifying this during the submission process. Please note only EARA student members can apply for the EARA YOUNG SCHOLARS Best Poster Awards!

After the poster is accepted, it needs to be mailed to earayoungscholars@gmail.com before August 1, 2020.
Posters will be evaluated by a committee of three judges with regard to originality and creativity, quality of the research, and quality of the presentation. Each applicant will receive the evaluation of his/her own poster with suggestions for improvement.

Winners will be announced during the EARA closing ceremony and will receive an award certificate and a free extension of their EARA membership for two additional years.