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PUBLICATIONS Magalhães, Maria-José; Iglesias, Camila; Teixeira, Ana Margarida; Beires, Ana Filipa; Guerreiro, Ana; Pontedeira, Cátia; Martelo, Vilma e Rodrigues, Raquel (2020) On the frontline: Developing Bystanders' Responses to Sexual Harassment Among Young People, Discovery Society, February 05, 2020, DS 77. The Bystanders’ Project was a pioneer prevention programme in all the countries participating in the Project (Portugal, Malta, Reino Unido e Eslovénia), due to its approach to preventing sexual harassment in schools through Bystanders. Within it, the Speak Up/Speak Out programme “was considered innovative in relation to preventative work in schools, where there has thus far been little discussion or action” (Dhaliwal & Kelly, 2019: 4). In this article, the results of the implementation of this Programme in high schools in the 4 participating countries are presented pointing out the need to further intervention in schools to prevent sexual harassment. Collaborative Post Project Plan [ Plano de colaboração – PT ] Comparative paper of Bystander's Intervention After a reflective analysis of the paper of the Bystander's Project Implementation, it was important to understand what was similar and different in each country involved in this project (Portugal, United Kingdom, Malta and Slovenia). This comparative paper is a reflection of the possible comparisons and main conclusions and reflections about Bystander's Project. Dhaliwal S. & Kelly, L. (2018). Speak Up/ Out – Comparative paper. Bystanders Project This comparative paper was possible due to the collaboration of all the country's teams of Bystanders' Project. Final Report on Bystanders' Project Magalhães, Maria José e Pontedeira (2017) Final Report, Project Bystanders [ Final report Bystanders – PT ] Speak Up/ Speak Out Intervention programme: Prevention of Sexual Harassment in schools – Plan of activities and sessions guide The Bystanders Prevention of Sexual Harassment in schools – Plan of activities and sessions guide manual includes the lessons learned from the Bystanders Project, as well as providing the resources for its replication. [ Manual Bystanders PT ] Magalhães, Maria José; Pontedeira, Cátia; Guerreiro, Ana; Felgueiras, Raquel; Teixeira, Ana Margarida; Iglesias, Camila; Martelo, Vilma (2018). Speak Up/ Speak Out Intervention programme: Prevention of Sexual Harassment in schools – Plan of activities and sessions guide. Porto: Bystanders. Country reports on implementation This Country Report is about the results of the implementation of the Project "Bystanders - Developing bystanders' responses to sexual harassment among young people". [ Relatório Implementação Portugal ] Magalhães, Maria José; Pontedeira, Cátia; Iglesias, Camila; Martelo, Vilma; Guerreiro, Ana; Felgueiras, Raquel; Teixeira, Margarida with collaboration by Ana Filipa Beires (2018). Portuguese Country Report about Bystanders Implementation. Bystanders. Other country's versions: Analysis of the Focus group developed in the Bystanders' Project After the literature review and background research in each country, it was necessary to draw an implementation program that was in accordance with the youth ideas and necessities. Therefore, focus group were carried in each country focusing on what is sexual harassment, who is the perpetrator and the victim, who are bystanders, what do they do, and can do; and finally, obstacles to the intervention. [ Análise dos Focus Group Portugal ] Magalhães, Maria José; Guerreiro, Ana; Pontedeira, Cátia; Felgueiras, Raquel; Silva, Vera (2017). Focus Group Analysis Portugal. Bystanders. Other country's versions: Interim Report on Bystanders Magalhães, Maria José e Pontedeira (2017) Interim Report, Project Bystanders [ Interim report Bystanders – PT ] Bystanders' Project Background Research - Portugal This paper is a background research on sexual harassment (SH) in Portugal. It was divided by three main points: 1. Sexual Harassment (SH) as a public issue, 2. Portuguese educational system and than 3. Sexual Harassment in schools. Magalhães, Maria José; Guerreiro, Ana; Pontedeira, Cátia; Felgueiras, Raquel; Silva, Vera (2017). Bystanders' Project Background Research – Portugal. Porto: Bystanders. Other country's versions: Bystanders´ Project Literature Review on Sexual Harassment Magalhães, Maria-José et al (2017) Literature Review on Bystanders Against Sexual Harassment, Projeto Bystanders. This literature review about primary prevention programs on sexual harassment was undertaken to inform the development of a bystanders' program for high school students and teachers. Magalhães, Maria José; Sharp – Jeffs, Nicola; Pontedeira, Cátia; Guerreiro, Ana; Kelly, Liz; Felgueiras, Raquel; Silva, Vera (2017). Bystanders' Project Literature Review On Sexual Harassment. Bystanders. Paper - Portuguese young people's perception of sexual harassment Having in consideration insights from focus group done with youth during Bystanders' Project, Portuguese team wrote a paper about Portuguese young people's perception of sexual harassment. Magalhães, Maria José; Guerreiro, Ana; Pontedeira, Cátia; Felgueiras, Raquel; Teixeira, Margarida (2019). Perceção dos/as jovens portugueses/as sobre o assédio sexual. Psiquiatria, Psicologia e Justiça, nº15, pp. 1-32. Magalhães, Maria José; Guerreiro, Ana; Pontedeira, Cátia; Felgueiras, Raquel & Silva, Vera (2017). Background Research of Sexual Harassment in Portugal. Bytsanders. Morais, T.; Múrias, C. & Magalhães, M. J. (2014). Assédio sexual no trabalho: uma reflexão a partir de ordenamentos jurídicos. International Journal on Working Conditions, No.7, June 2014 Magalhães, M. J. et al. (2012). Relatório Final Projeto Rota dos Feminismos contra o Assédio Sexual nos Espaços Públicos, na Rua e no Trabalho. UMAR.
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