Abstract submission
Oral presentations will be limited to 20 minutes: 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and debate.
Oral presentations will be grouped by topics in parallel sessions.
Presenters must be registered in the Conference by 12th April 2017 or their presentations will be excluded from the Conference Programme.
If you wish to submit an abstract for an oral presentation, please download the abstracts submission form.
After filling the form, save it as a Word document (*.docx) with the title of your abstract, and send it to IIndECDV@fpce.up.pt, with the subject “Oral Presentation Submission”.
Abstract proposals must include:
- Name and institutional affiliation of first author
- Name of co-authors and respective affiliations
- Title (Type your title as it should appear in the programme)
- Select which theme(s) you are addressing.
- Include 3-5 keywords.
- Abstract should not exceed 300 words.
- It is the responsibility of the author to verify the information submitted and to notify the Organizing Committee of any errors or omissions before the submission deadline.
- Abstracts must be written in English.
Each abstract may only be submitted once.
A Workshop is a half-day session (3 hours). The goal of the Workshops is to provide an informal forum for researchers, academics, doctoral students, practitioners, and policy makers to discuss important research questions and challenges. Workshops should encourage lively debates, stimulate the production of new ideas and the discussion of controversial issues. To this end, Workshop proposals should be designed to attract a medium sized audience and to cover a precise topic.
Organizers must be registered in the Conference by 12th April 2017 or the Workshop will be excluded from the Conference Programme.
If you wish to submit a Workshop Proposal, please download the workshops submission form.
After filling the form, save it as a Word document (*.docx) with the title of your Workshop, and send it to IIndECDV@fpce.up.pt, with the subject “Workshop Submission”.
Workshop proposals must include:
- Name and short biography of the organizer
- Workshop title (type your title as it should appear in the programme)
- Select which theme(s) you are addressing
- Short description that will appear on the programme and must not exceed 50 words.
- Main activities: Provide a brief description of the main activities that will be a part of the workshop (maximum 450 words). It is the responsibility of the author to verify the information submitted and to notify the Committee of any errors or omissions before the submission deadline
- Proposals must be written in English.
Each proposal may only be submitted once.
A Symposium session is organized as a Panel with several contributions. A single submission should be organized by one person responsible for the Symposium. Symposia can have up to 5 different presenters and must be organized to last no more than 1 hour and 15 minutes.
A Symposium should be organized with common theme(s) which should be part of the themes mentioned in the Conference themes list.
An abstract of the communications should be provided indicating how many presenters should be expected and the titles of their communications.
Presenters must be registered in the Conference by 12th April 2017 or the Symposium will be excluded from the Conference Programme.
If you wish to submit a Symposium Proposal, please download the symposium submission form.
After filling the form, save it as a Word document (*.docx) with the title of your Symposium and send it to IIndECDV@fpce.up.pt, with the subject “Symposium Submission”.
Symposium proposals must include:
- Symposium title: Type your title as it should appear in the programme
- Name and affiliation of responsible professional
- The titles and presenters of each communication
- Select which theme(s) you are addressing
- Short description that will appear on the programme and must not exceed 50 words
- Provide an abstract of the communications and how they connect with each other to form an overall theme for the Symposium (maximum 450 words).
- It is the responsibility of the submitting person to verify the information submitted and to notify the Committee of any errors or omissions before the submission deadline
- Proposals must be written in English.
- Each proposal may only be submitted once.
Posters will be physically displayed during the Conference and digitally on the II ECDV official website. If you wish to submit an abstract for a Poster please select the corresponding option when submitting.
Instructions on Poster format will be given in the email notification of acceptance.
Presenters must be registered in the Conference by 12th April 2017 or their presentations will be excluded from the Conference Programme.
If you wish to submit an abstract for a Poster, please download the submission form.
After filling the form, save it as a Word document (*.docx) with the title of your abstract, and send it to IIndECDV@fpce.up.pt, with the subject “Poster Submission”.
Abstract proposals must include:
- Name and institutional affiliation of first author
- Name of co-authors and respective affiliations
- Title (type your title as it should appear in the programme)
- Select which theme(s) you are addressing
- Include 3-5 keywords
- Abstract should not exceed 300 words. It is the responsibility of the author to verify the information submitted and to notify the Organizing Committee of any errors or omissions before the submission deadline
- Abstracts must be written in English
Each abstract may only be submitted once.
E-Posters will only be available on the II ECDV official website. If you wish to submit an abstract for an E-Poster, please select the corresponding option when submitting. Instructions on E-Poster format will be given in the email notification of acceptance.
E-poster abstract presenters are very welcome to attend the Conference but can also choose to only pay the display of the E-Poster on the official website. In that case, the payment of the E-Poster should be done by the 12th April 2017 or the E-Poster will not be included in the Conference website.
If you wish to submit an abstract for an E-Poster please download the submission form.
After filling the form, save it as a Word document (*.docx) with the title of your abstract, and send it to IIndECDV@fpce.up.pt, with the subject “E-Poster Submission”.
Abstract proposals must include:
- Name and institutional affiliation of first author
- Name of co-authors and respective affiliations
- Title (type your title as it should appear in the programme)
- Select which theme(s) you are addressing
- Include 3-5 keywords
- Abstract should not exceed 300 words. It is the responsibility of the author to verify the information submitted and to notify the Organizing Committee of any errors or omissions before the submission deadline
- Abstracts must be written in English
Each abstract may only be submitted once.
Fee for E-Poster: € 70 (includes the presentation of E-Poster at the Conference website.
© Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto - Portugal